Almost two week ago i was rushing to the cinema and there the above was.
Glowing big and bright up in the air, words that can only give a pessimist more faith in his way of thinking.
I googled and found it was a light sculpture from Filip Gilissen, a Sint-Lukas University College of Art & Design in Brussels student.
10 x 12 m, 1000 lightbulbs , 40.000 watt and boy it was bright.
Cut My Teeth is the first free track of the new Peggy Sue album 'Acrobats'.
Their second album after the amazing 2010 debut 'Fossils and other Phantoms'
For the release of their new album they're doing a little tour but only UK dates.
From their 2010 tour i missed them at Walk The Line festival but managed to catch the last 20 minutes at Lowlands a few months later.
I even bought a t-shirt and managed to have a quick chat with one of them.
Here's hoping there touring schedule will include Holland
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