For example when they would look up to the sky they would say something like what a beautiful bronze sky instead of calling the sky blue.
I spend last evening watching four hours of QI and that's the only fact i remembered.
The rest will come back to me when i least expect it, just wait for it.
Thursday Cherrelle came to Rotterdam for a little visit and we ended the day at the Store opening of Monki.
Fun crowd and atmosphere but we could only stay for one hour, because i had to go to work.
We missed out on a thrilling game of bingo and who knows what else!
At least they had cute lollipop cakes and delicous cookies we managed to grab before leaving
As a birthday present Cherrelle gave me a garlic squeezer (a little joke) and a one line a day journal.
I had such a Barney Stinson moment realizing people do read my blog even though it's a random blog.
page out of Keep Calm and Carry On book i bought in London a few weeks ago.
A page to remember.
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