I was wearing my Jeffrey Campbell 99's for the first time and had them on all day.
Gosh I did a hell of a lot walking that day so the sitting down part was also a bit of a present to my aching feet.
I left home racing around 19.00 because 'A Single Man' started 19.30 and 'J'ai tué ma mère' at 21.30 and i wanted to get a discount but still had to buy a discount card but all went well.
'A Single Man' was a film you could lose yourself in, i got chocked up a couple of times, it was simple but so beautiful.
Even Nicholas Hoult came across believable as your average American kid after a while, he hasn't got the Robert Pattison American but he pulled it of.

'J'ai tué ma mère' was less of a film i could lose myself in.
Maybe it was because i only slept 4 hours the night before but i seriously dozed off for a few minutes during the film.
I did like the story. I understood how he felt about his mother and his reasons.
Definably a must see again film!
It was an wonderful night alone at the cinema, must have been the arthouse thing.
Xavier Dolan wears a lot of stripes in Jái tue ma mere.
I like and understand his love for stripes so it not a bad thing, i just found it a bit funny seeing him in different scene's wearing stripes.
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