> Connected, feel free to talk now
You: hi
You: aha...
Stranger: hi
You: aah reaction!
Stranger: where from?
You: you
You: holland
Stranger: usa
Stranger: what is there to do in holland?
You: not much
You: it's been cold so you can't do that much
You: how's in there?
Stranger: how cold?
You: let's check
You: tody is been -2
You: 15 f
Stranger: warmer today
Stranger: around 10, I think
Stranger: what is 40 f?
You: oh wait
You: 28 f
You: 40 f is about 3 celcius i think
You: i'm very bad when it comes to numbers
Stranger: it happens
You: i'm still learning
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: u go to church?
You: not really, i don't really believe in god
Stranger: why not?
You: i believe in something but not in the church
Stranger: me too
Stranger: I don't put my faith in the church
You: are anything religous?
You: budha
You: ?
You: that's a temple
Stranger: I put my faith in Christ, not a religion
Stranger: it is a relationship
Stranger: much different than religion
You: has it always been like that for you?
Stranger: no
Stranger: I didn't make that choice until i was 18
Stranger: best choice i made though
You: and your parents were okay with that?
Stranger: sort of
Stranger: they were more into religion
You: i don't believe in god because i was raised to believe and after a while you start questiong it
Stranger: no problem with questioning
Stranger: disciples questioned Jesus all the time
You: they never put that kind of pressure on you?
Stranger: no
Stranger: they wanted me to go to church, but not much more
You: my mother once said go to bible kamp or you can't go to you friend next week
Stranger: I felt God's call on me and that made me want to change
You: your parents dealed with it the rifht way
Stranger: your mom meant well
Stranger: the Bible does have the answers
Stranger: problem is
Stranger: some people twist it to what they want, not what it says
Stranger: Can I ask you some questions to see what you believe?
You: do you have an example of a part if the bible that has been twisted?
You: oh sure ask me
Stranger: do you believe that Jesus lived?
You: sometimes
Stranger: well, history documents that he truly lived on this earth.
You: i do catch myself praying to the god and jesus i believed in as a child
Stranger: do you believe Jesus was a crazy nut job?
You: no, there were people that believed in jesus
Stranger: by the way, don't stop yourself from praying, God wants to hear your heart
Stranger: so, if Jesus wasn't crazy, then what he said must have some truth to it.
Stranger: I believe everything He said is truth.
Stranger: do you believe you sin?
You: no
You: i don't know
Stranger: do you ever do something wrong
Stranger: something Jesus would not want you to do?
You: yeah i do, but the fact that god made man out of his own image
You: who says god doesn't have bad things?
You: yeah i know adam and eve
Stranger: I can only go by the Bible with my answers
You: but god also knew about shame
Stranger: Adam and Eve were created without sin
Stranger: they sinned after creation
You: so he knew what he didn't give could wound up with man
You: they sinned in god's perfect world
Stranger: God gave adam, eve, you and me a will, a chance to decide if we would follow him
Stranger: all the time
Stranger: we all choose to not follow him sometimes
Stranger: that is sin
You: for everybody?
Stranger: without a choice, we would be robots
Stranger: I think so, everybody
You: but if we chose not to follow we become sinners
Stranger: all have sinned and came short of God's glory
You: what good is the choice then?
Stranger: do you have friends?
Stranger: family?
You: we live the perfect live with good and go to heaven of live a perfect live without good and go to hell?
You: that's not fair either
You: yes i have friends and family
You: why?
Stranger: what if you made them like you?
Stranger: would it be the same?
You: like me as in cloning or making them like everything i like and dress like i do?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: God wants you to CHOOSE Him. He won't force His will on you
Stranger: He loves everyone, but He knows some won't choose Him
Stranger: Adam and Eve asked forgiveness and they got it
Stranger: just like we can
Stranger: Jesus had to pay that price on the cross
Stranger: the penalty for sin is death
Stranger: without blood there is no forgiveness of sins
Stranger: Jesus had to leave heaven to pay that penalty as a man on earth
Stranger: the offer is on the table, we just need to accept it
Stranger: I don't live the perfect life, beleive me
Stranger: but i have forgiveness
You: because you chosen god
Stranger: yes.
Stranger: The bible says "all who call on God's name shall be saved"
Stranger: I did.
Stranger: I felt different the moment I made the choice
Stranger: and I have for 20 years now
You: i don't want to chose, i just want to life
Stranger: imperfections and all
Stranger: i understand
You: i don't believe in the glory and power of god
You: i get up and see the news and think great that again
Stranger: but can I tell you something else I truly believe?
You: i don
Stranger: man makes the world the way it is.
You: i don't want to chose for something that can give me something more, i feel that it has to chose me
Stranger: they choose something other than what Christ has to offer
You: indeed they do
Stranger: The bible also says God calls us to Christ
Stranger: I think you finding me on here and having this chat is God making you that offer
Stranger: that may be Him choosing you if you want to think of it that way
Stranger: but you still have to accept the offer
You: i know
You: but it has to feel right
You: i need more signs
Stranger: Can I share something esle I believe
You: i need to feel that i'm ready
You: sure
Stranger: i understand.
Stranger: I believe in a real Heaven, and a real Hell
Stranger: those who choose Christ will be in heaven forever
Stranger: those who don't will be in Hell
Stranger: I don't want to scare you
Stranger: because that isn't why you should choose
You: i know
Stranger: you should choose because you want Christ and what He has to offer
Stranger: but if a person dies without Christ, they will be in Hell
You: but the fact that it's either heaven or hell is something that;s part of the decision.
You: it's black and white and there is no grey
Stranger: true
You: sometimes you just need grey around you
Stranger: but grey can just be the fog hiding the truth
You: haha that's a good way of putting it
Stranger: I work with teens in my church and you are a lot like them
Stranger: lots of questions
You: i've had this conversation before and i don't know any more
Stranger: you don't want your parent's religion
Stranger: have you ever read the bible to see what the truth was?
You: i moved out and my roommate is religous and last year i met about 4 other religous people and this is all i don't know
Stranger: the gospels: matthew, mark, luke, and john, are really good in showing the plan
Stranger: and who He is
Stranger: Christ is still a great option for you
You: my parents did force me so i really felt good with religon
Stranger: the relationship with the God who created the world is an amazing experience
You: they still want me to go to church but i'm not ready yet
Stranger: you can pray to Him without being in Church
You: it's like i'm lying and he knows it and i don't want that yet
Stranger: Praying and reading doen'
You: this is so weird, i started 2009 with people talking to me about god and now this
Stranger: doesn't commit you to anything either
Stranger: I think it is a God thing
You: yeah start small ..
You: haha it must be
Stranger: He is chasing you
You: my roommate being my roommate was a big woah
Stranger: I read books by a guy Ravi Zachariah
Stranger: he calls God the "hound of heaven"
Stranger: he never gives up on youi
Stranger: He keeps putting people in your path who care for Him
You: what kind of book does he have?
Stranger: he writes apologetics
Stranger: logical explanations for Chrisitanity
Stranger: Lee Strobel is a good author too
Stranger: He writes a book "the case for christ" and "a case for faith"
Stranger: He was an agnostic and during his research about a book on religion
Stranger: He started his relationship with Christ
Stranger: your story sounds similar to his
You: i should look into that
Stranger: the bible is the best book to read though
You: i need to start slow
You: i have one
Stranger: Ravi is pretty deep
You: yeah i heard
You: found a youtube film
You: i'm not ready for that
Stranger: Lee is an easier read
Stranger: S
Stranger: Strobel might be a better start
You: found the book on dutch amazon
Stranger: what do u think?
You: i think i should start with the bible before i read that book
Stranger: a agree
Stranger: I agree, sorry
You: the comments say that it's well reseacherd but that's not enough
You: typo's can happen;)
Stranger: your room mate might be able to help too
You: yeah she invited me around her church a few times but i don't know
Stranger: His word is a light unto your path
Stranger: getting to a good sunday school class might help you learn more too
You: i went to a few youth groups untill i was about 15 and stopped it all because i just didn't felt right
Stranger: Pray that God will lead you to His truth, not someone else's opinion
Stranger: He will show you what you need to see if you truly seek it
Stranger: sometimes people are well meaning, but stupid in what they do
You: my cousin still goes and she and my aunt are church going christians and they asked me along but the feeling that i'm lying
Stranger: why lying
Stranger: ?
You: i'm in a church and everybody is listening and understanding the service and there's me
You: i don't believe in my head i even catch myself mocking everything
Stranger: I think you would be surprise at what is under some of the masks people wear to church
Stranger: truth is
Stranger: most christians have some bad stuff happening
Stranger: but to show it means you aren't a "good" christian
You: and i know that's wrong, i believe enough to know that that's not the way to think in a place decicated to god
Stranger: keeps us from being real with each other
You: i don't like that feeling of lying before god
Stranger: remember, being a christian isn't about doing right and wrong
Stranger: I still do wrong as a christian
Stranger: being a christian is having a real relationship with Jesus Christ
Stranger: I won't be perfect until heaven
Stranger: I can only try to be better, and closer to Him each day
You: it's a working progress
You: for that realionsship to work you have to respect god and i fail at that point
Stranger: Respect will grow with relationship
Stranger: God knows where you are, and what you are thinking
Stranger: and He wants you anyhow
Stranger: imperfections and all
Stranger: He can/will help you be better in Him
Stranger: I get angry with God
Stranger: and I tell Him
Stranger: and He is so patient and kind in teaching me why
Stranger: even though I am angry
Stranger: THAT is the relationship part
Stranger: by the way, why do you say you don't respect him? I'm curious
Stranger: did something happen to make you feel that way?
You: hmm
You: no it's more
Stranger: personal?
You: no not that maybe you'll find it even not that bad but i say goddamn and don't feel bad about it, sometimes i curse everything about being a christian and just feel relieved
Stranger: Peter cursed whe Jesus was being led to the cross
Stranger: what is the difference?
You: you learn not to use the lords name in vain and maybe it's a 'rebel' thing but i used it and don't feel bad when i do
Stranger: sure, but that is one example of a sin
Stranger: it isn't something that will kick you out of heaven
You: haha
Stranger: Jesus said it is sin when you hate someone, or think evil toward them
Stranger: I think we all fall into that once in a while
Stranger: God won't make you perfect just because you are a christian, He wants you to work through stuff
Stranger: it makes you grow
Stranger: in him
Stranger: "as you think it, you do it" the bible says
You: there is so much for me to work out
Stranger: no, not really
Stranger: don't put pressure on yourself
Stranger: starting a relationship doesn't take effort
Stranger: and He is the one who will mold your heart
Stranger: I can honestly say, in 20 years He has never led me the wrong way
Stranger: I may not have understood it at the time, but it was always right
You: this conversation happening is something that i didn't expect
Stranger: God doesn't give you what you expect all the time
You: i just finished wathcing Eli stone and though let's try chatroulleete again haha
Stranger: I wondered if I would have this talk with someone eventually
Stranger: Looks like we are both part of a God thing
Stranger: You know what would be amazing?
You: seem like it haha
Stranger: I will probably never talk with you again here on earth
Stranger: I would love it if you came up to me in heaven and told me you changed your life because of this
Stranger: that is an eternal thing
You: yeah probably not..this conversation was one out of 3200
Stranger: remember,
You: amazing
Stranger: God is "the hound of heaven"
Stranger: have I changed your opinion at all?
You: somewhat, i feel differtent now
Stranger: how so?
You: a bit more relaxed...like the people who stopped me last year really where there for a reason
You: you don't start talking to someone in a train about god
You: or give your email to someone you started talking about god
Stranger: I see your point.
Stranger: God doesn't stop working with us
Stranger: or chasing after us
You: i wanted change this year and i somehow found a way to change
You: he just gives you the tools
Stranger: are you saying you made a decision?
You: haha yes i did
Stranger: AWESOME!!!!
Stranger: The bible says all of heaven rejoices when one comes to a relationship with Him
Stranger: I have to go.
You: i hope i can follow trough but if it's the right thing to do i will get there if not next month it could be a in august
Stranger: you have helped a sick guy today
You: i'm welcome
Stranger: God will keep chasing you
You: and you've helped a questioning girl;)
Stranger: I will keep praying for u
Stranger: God knows who you are
You: thank you and thanks for this conversation
Stranger: I'm just one begger showing another where to buy bread
Stranger: wher to get bread
Stranger: beggers don't buy
Stranger: oops
You: hahah i'm sure
You: i needed something more today i found it
Stranger: I am glad He used me.
Stranger: God bless you!!!!
Stranger: and He will!!!
Can they really here me up there?
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