It was as if she was incapable of enjoying pleasurable experiencing as they were happening?
She could only enjoy things as an anticipation or as memory.
Being tempted when crocery shopping and coming home with stuff you don't feel like eating?

Finding the books everybody talks very highly about only to not read the last chapters or read them at all.

Making long nights and early morning at school for the feeling of satisfaction you'll have afterwards

Going to a festival you've been looking forward to and not really enjoying yourself.
When you get home and find a piece of confetti in your clothes, all you think of it is being one of the most marvellous night you've had.

I just finished watching the film'My last 5 girlfriends' and it was okay.
One of the girlfriends seems to not be capable of enjoying herself when things are actually happening.
I though that sounded weird only to realise i do the same thing sometimes.
Within the moment you just have to enjoy everything about it because that exact moment will never happen again.