London Calling is over and i saw enough!
I'm not a critic i just like or don't like some things about music things and talk about them, so here is my opinion.
Day oneCat's Eyes 'Face In The Crowd' from NTSH London on Vimeo.
BraidsThe sound wasn't that excellent but they played convincing enough to make me forget that
Cat's Eyesdidn't come across that well but i liked the record 7
Miami Horror were a little too glamrock for my liking but energetic fun to watch 5
Trophy Wifebrought good dancey music 7+
Ariel Pink's Haunted GraffitiI already knew who they were but never bother do get into them.
Maybe now after seeing them live i maybe will because the songs weren't that bad but i just wasn't enjoying it 6.5
Foster the Peoplesaw them in the big screen but the sound didn't come across that good
The View same good working formula they had four years ago and that's not a bad thing 6+
The Cults - You Know What I Mean from roland q on Vimeo.
Day two2:54first thing i thought was they sounded like Blood Red Shoes if Laura May was in another band and never met Steven. Thank gosh Blood Red Shoes do excist but 2:54 has to grow a bit more 6+
Flash GunsThey played the festival last year and i liked the ep that came out that time, now they have a lp coming out and i'm looking forward to listing to it! 7.5
Ra Ra RiotA band that never really sticked even after listening to 'The Rhumb Line' a few times. Live they came across much better and i was surprised that i enjoyed their performance. 7.5
Dry The RiverI heard one song, looked up one perfomance on youtube and i knew i could enjoy this band. I did they were so one point and talked with the audiance.
I'm a fan 8
CultsFun but they were a small band playing in the big venue and that made them lost their magic that they have gotten from their internet fame.
'You know what i mean' their new single sounded amazing live, she has a voice on her. 7.
Sparrow and the workshopYou can't like everything and just like 2:54 they need some more time 6-
The CrookesA perfect band for a festival like this, British? yep Good looking boys? yep! Good album out? Yes all that toghetere with the suns that just went down made their perfomance a happy happening 7.5
Wild BeastI love them, i love them, i love them they cannot do any wrong. 9+
Yes even though i love them so i am a realist. It's is always possible that their next performance can be worth that 10
Twin Shadowthey way they translated their album to the stage was amazing! the songs sounded different but still familiar. Oh i might fall in love with this band. 8
Dry the River - "Family Tree" from Gary King on Vimeo.
No pictures were made which is a shame but what can you do.
Well i can wait 6 months for the second edition of London Calling Festival and go with a camera i guess!